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Cathedral Peak July 3, 2000
Toulumne Meadows, Yosemite CA

It was fairly cool in the morning when Melanie, Lisa, Steve & Brian left their camp at the Saw Mill walk in campground at Tioga Pass. Getting out of their comfortable tents to start the stove for coffee and oatmeal was great and but so was the warmth of their sleeping bags.

The four new that they should get moving knowing that they were climbing one of most popular routes in Toulumne Meadows. Pulling up to the trail head 30 minutes later they sheded some of their clothes and started up the Cathedral Lakes Trail at a pace just fast enough to stay warm.

The hike was awesome with the morning colors hitting the Cockscomb and Unicorn Peaks up above the Budd Creek Trail. Approximately one hour later they arrived at the toe of the north buttress. The marmots were up and waiting for the climbers to arrive ready to tear into someone's new backpack.

The North East Buttress
of Cathedral Peak, 5.6
A curious marmot at the start of the buttress! Anxiously waiting for any climbers to leave their packs with food for a morning snack.

The east end of the Cathedral Range Traverse with Budd Lake in the foreground.
Below: Melanie on top of the third
pitch giving her toes a rest.

Eichorn Pinnacle and one of the Cathedral Lakes below, viewed from the summit of Cathedral Peak to the south east.

Brian & Melanie enjoying the view from
the top of the summit tower.

Melanie descending the airy rappel
off of the summit.
Having Fun!


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