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Fairview Dome
Toulumne Meadows, CA
Summer 2001

In the summer of 2001 Melanie Rives and Brian Biega drove to Toulumne for the the weekend. With a relaxing afternoon drive down from Tahoe they enjoyed a late afternoon snack in one of the many meadows resting up for the next days big climb. Below are some photos from their weekends adventure.


Below: Melanie enjoys the river flow from Saddle Bag Lake with Mt Dana to her right.

*Click image to enlarge!
Below: Melanie & Brian soaking their feet.

*Click image to enlarge!
Below: Moon set just left
of Mt Conness.

*Click image to enlarge!

Above: Fairview Dome
*Click image to enlarge!
Left, Right & Below Center: Melanie getting started on the first pitch of the Regular Route. With a 7am start the two had the entire climb to themselves. What a treat!

*Click image to enlarge!
*Click image to enlarge!
Below: Melanie nearing the top of pitch two.

*Click image to enlarge!
*Click image to enlarge!

Above: Melanie at the belay of pitch four.

Above:The last move of the climb some six pitches later.
Below: Melanie on the summit
with Cathedral Peak behind.

*Click image to enlarge!
*Click image to enlarge!

Above: Melanie on the edge
high above Toulumne Meadows.
Below: Brian & Melanie on the summit!

*Click image to enlarge!


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